Summer Update

Friday, June 10, 2011
Welcome to the newest blog post in some time followers of the Kaiju Movie Review. In this entry, we have the rest of the videos that Dan and his point. They are all figure reviews and unboxings (and one other), and nicely executed ones at that. With that out of the way, let us make a couple of points. One, the review of GAMERA 3: INCOMPLETE STRUGGLE is still being made. Dan hasn’t forgotten, it is just taking time to do, so be patient. Continuing from that point, for all of those who visit the youtube channel page, please do not post anything which could be considered rude to Dan and company. One member posted the comment "REPLY PLEASE" (the caps were part of the original message). Please know that Dan is a man with a family and job and a real life. Please do not expect videos to be coming out regularly. He is not getting paid for this.

I hope you enjoy the videos listed here and stay tuned for more from the Kaiju Movie Review! And we want to give a shout out to our fans, KMR has over 500 subscribers! Thank you!


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